Beautiful Dug ca. 1820s-1830s US Greatcoat Button |
| NEW !
Here's a Beautiful Dug US Greatcoat Button, ca.1820-1830!
It's the flat two-piece pattern, with intact upright shank, and wonderful
details on the US, eagle, and wreath device on the front. Reverse shows
"United * States backmark mostly legible, with some wear on the word
United. Nice dark brown smooth patina.A Very Sharp & Early US
button. Recovery location unknown. 20mm.
$70 plus shipping
Beautiful Eagle -C- Cavalry Coat Button |
| Here's a beautiful excavated, Union Cavalry or Eagle -C- Coat button ! It shows excellent details on the eagle, feathers, shield and letter, with about 30-35% Gold Gilt remaining to really set them off ! Remainder of the device is a super smooth brown patina, with no pushes, cracks, or damage of any sort. Reverse shows a correct " * Extra * Quality " mark, with a row of hash marks on the inside, and upright tight shank. There is a slight period scratch thru the -L- in Quality, but barely noticeable. A very fine excavated example of a Federal Cavalry Button, that displays perfectly ! Recovery location unknown. 20mm. $79 plus shipping
Excellent Eagle -I- Coat Button w/Gilt |
As excavated eagle buttons go, this one is "purty" ! Nice coat size Eagle -I- Infantry button with about 50% gold gilt remaining to highlite the device. Blank backmark with single circle between the shank and edge. Strong shank still intact and upright. One small chip out of the rim on the back, at about 5:00 o' clock, but not visible from the front at all, and entire button is strong and tight. Great Displaying Union Coat Button with gilt in the right places. 21mm . Recovered in Northern Virginia. $30 plus shipping
Beautiful Dug US Staff Officer's Coat Button |
| Here's a real nice excavated US Staff Officer's coat button, with about 40-50% of it's original gold gilt remaining ! Beautiful detail remains on the front and device, with that gilt highliting detail in the right places. There's a very tiny push at the bottom of the shield, but it's barely noticeable. Reverse shows a correct Civil War period "Extra Quality" backmark, in between two rows of hash marks, with a floral spray in between the words. Shank is still intact and tight, but has been bent over to one side. Just a very displayable, excavated Staff Officer's coat button ! Recovered Savannah, Georgia. 22mm. $52 plus shipping
Very Nice US Staff Officers' Coat Button - With Gilt |
| This is a wonderful excavated US Staff Officer's Coat size button, with a decent amount of gold gilt remaining on the face ! Gilt is mixed with green patina, and displays the details of the device very well. Very tiny push at the bottom right of the shield, and actually it's so small that I never saw it, until I photographed the button. Reverse has a period correct, Superior * Quality backmark, inside two concentric rows of dots, and a nice tight shank, with a slight tilt. An attractive button that has just enough gilt to stand out. Recovered Dinwiddie, Virginia. 22mm. $50 plus shipping
Absolutely Beautiful US Staff Officer's Coat Button |
| You'll have a tough time finding a nicer example of a dug US Staff Button, than this one . It is just an outstanding beauty ! Has 50-60% gold gilt remaining on the face that perfectly highlites all the details. No pushes, cracks, or damage whatsoever. The reverse show a correct Civil War period "Extra Quality" backmark, inside two rows of hash marks, with floral sprays in between the words. The tight shank is still in the upright position, and even a bit of silver plate remains in the quality mark and hash marks ! Just about as pretty a dug Staff as you ever see anymore, and one that will really display sharp ! Recovered Central Virginia. 22mm. SOLD
Beautifully Gilted Dug Federal Navy Button |
| Here is a beautiful excavated US Navy Button, loaded with gilt ! It's the pattern known as NA112 in Albert's Button Book, and has the anchor fluke, behind the eagles' wing, as is correct. Probably 90-95% gold gilt remaining on the device, with no pushes, cracks, or damage of any kind ! Reverse also has gold gilt remaining in the shank well, and around edges, as well as a tight upright shank. Blank back with two raised rings, which is an unlisted back for Navy buttons, but a known one on Eagle -R- Rifleman buttons in Tice's book . With the same back as known on -R- buttons, its' manufacture probably dates ca. 1850s. Recovered Wilmington, North Carolina. 19mm.
Beautiful Eagle -R- Rifleman's Coat Button |
Here's a beautiful dug example of the coat-size eagle -R- Rifleman's button. No pushes, cracks or damage of any kind to the front, with about 50% + gold gilt remaining, to highlite the device perfectly. Back in good shape with partial Scovill Mfg. Co., Waterbury, Rmdc mark visible. Shank missing but cleanly pulled from button, leaving no damage. These R buttons are all pre-war and often recovered in Confederate sites. Just an excellent example that shines in a display, and I doubt you'll find one this pretty at a better price ! Recovered Jenkin's Ferry, Arkansas. 19mm. SOLD