Beautiful Dug Silver 6th Corps Badge |
| Here is a Beautiful Excavated Silver 6th Corps Badge ! It measures right at one inch tall, by one inch wide, and is still mostly silver color on the front with a bit of modest ground action. The reverse is tarnished a darker color and shows the base where the attachment pin once was. The 6th Corps of The Army of the Potomac participated in most of the action in the eastern theater. Some of their engagements include: Gaines Mill, Savage Station, Malvern Hill, South Mountain, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor [ where it suffered severe losses ], Petersburg, and Sayler’s Creek. Unfortunately, the recovery location of this one has been lost. Still, A Great Displaying Example of the Silver 6th Corps Badge worn in the field ! [ L.L. ]
$450 Reduced $400 plus shipping
Beautiful Non-Dug Civil War Period Crossed Sabers Cavalry Hat Insignia |
| Here is an Excellent Civil War Cavalry Trooper’s “Crossed Sabers” Hat Insignia ! Although it is Non-dug, it has a wonderful “relic” look to it. The front, except for the lower left grip, has a nice green patina varying from a lighter color near the drags to a dark olive on the lower right grip. The lower left has a nice dark brown color to it. The insignia measures 3.25 inches across at the tips of the saber drag, by about 1.625 inches tall. The reverse shows all four attachment loops still present in good condition and mottled patina, similar to that on the front. Just a Super Nice Displaying Civil War “Crossed Sabers” Cavalry Insignia !
$195 plus shipping
Nice Displaying Dug Jeff Davis Hatpin |
Here is a Fine Displaying Dug U.S. “Jeff Davis” Hatpin ! It is 90% intact, missing just the laurel and arrows at the bottom of the eagle. The entire piece has a wonderful greenish brown patina that nicely highlights the eagle/shield device, and the motto, “E Pluribus Unum” is easily legible. The reverse shows the attachment loops gone, and a couple areas with a thin coat of glue, where the pin was once attached to a display. Recovery location is unknown. An Excavated “Jeff Davis” Hatpin that Displays Great Priced Nice !
$85 plus shipping
Decent Displaying Dug Jeff Davis Hatpin Recovered Brandy Station, Virginia. |
| Here is a Fair Displaying Jeff Davis Hatpin Excavated at Brandy Station ! It is a little rougher for the wear, and showing its age and ground effects, but still displays decently. It shows missing pieces and several cracks but what is there is still surprisingly intact and displays well enough to show what it is. A Fair “Jeff Davis” Hatpin Recovered at Brandy Station, Virginia, and priced to sell !
$40 plus shipping
Fine Non-dug US Infantry Insignia/Hat Horn with Both Loops |
| Here is an Excellent Original Civil War Period Infantry Insignia or Hat Horn ! It has no damage of any kind, and still retains its two original attachment loops on the reverse. The front has toned down to a nice mellow patina and it displays great ! A Fine Civil War Period Infantry Hat Insignia ! [ D.K. ]
$75 plus shipping
Beautiful Embroidered Civil War Cavalry Officer's Hat Insignia |
| Here is an Excellent Civil War Period Officer’s Embroidered or "Gold Bullion" Crossed Sabers Cavalry Hat Insignia ! The gold embroidered crossed sabers are mounted on a black wool rectangle that measures about 2.75 inches wide by 1.5 inches tall. The reverse shows a coarse brown cloth backing that resembles burlap but is a tighter weave. The entire piece is still in very good condition, the black wool still nicely intact with good color, though the “gold-wire” has lost some of its luster. There is a similar example in the book, American Military Headgear Insignia, by J. Duncan Campbell & Michael J. O’Donnell, on page 199, and the authors say that these were often sold in this shape, prior to trimming by the new owner, and sometimes sewn on caps as uncut rectangles. An Uncommon & Fine Civil War Officers’ Embroidered Cavalry Hat Insignia that Displays Great !
Fine Original Civil War Period Stamped Brass Cavalry Hat Insignia |
Here is an Excellent Non-Dug Crossed Sabers Cavalry Insignia ! It retains its shape nicely showing no major bends or damage and measures a little over 3.25 inches wide by about 1.75 inches tall. The front has acquired a nice mellow brown patina while the reverse still shines quite a bit. The reverse also shows all four original attachment loops still present and tight though slightly bent. A Fine Displaying Civil War Period Crossed Sabers Cavalry Insignia !
Nice Excavated Company Hat Letter -B- |
| Here is a Fine Displaying Dug Company Hat Letter B ! It is standard regulation one inch size and has no major bends or breaks, though there is one very small hole dead center. The front shows a mostly smooth light green patina as do the visible areas on the back. The reverse also shows lead solder remnants where the attachment loops were but no loops present. Recovery location unknown. A Fine Displaying Civil War Company Hat Letter B !
Nice excavated Company Hat Letter -I- |
Here is a Fine Dug Company Hat Letter -I- ! It is the Civil War regulation one inch size. The front shows a wonderful mostly smooth plumb patina with a small area of green verdigris at one end, and some encrusted dirt still around the edges. The reverse shows a tiny chip on the edge of one side, and the lead solder and rust remnants where the attachment loop once was. Recovery location unknown. A Fine Displaying Civil War Company Hat Letter -I- !
Fine Non-Dug Original Civil War Hat Horn Infantry Insignia |
Here is another Fine Non-dug US Infantry Hat Horn Insignia ! Made of stamped brass it measures about 3.5 inches wide by 2 inches tall, and shows no bends, breaks or damage to the brass. The front and back retains a large portion of its original gold gilt, but it is not quite as bright as my picture makes it look. The reverse shows both attachment loops still present and tight, though both have been bent over. These were worn on the kepi or Hardee Hat to denote infantry. A Fine Displaying Civil War US Infantry Hat Horn Insignia !
THREE NICE Dug Pre-War Solid Cast Militia Company Hat Letters - Often Recovered in Confederate Camps |
| Here is a Nice Group of Three Dug Pr e-War or Early War Solid Cast Militia Hat Letters ! All three have nice mostly greenish patina and show evidence on the reverse where the iron attachment pins once were. These letters are a bit smaller than Civil War Period Stamped letters, each one measuring about 13/16ths of an inch tall, unlike the 1 inch Civil War letters. I have personally recovered two of these here in the Trans-Mississippi Department, both Co. C, in a Confederate Camp, and have seen several others dug by local diggers including a Co. H, from a Sterling Price MSG Camp. Unfortunately, the recovery location of these examples has been lost. Three Nice Displaying, Early Solid Cast Hat Letters, for Co. B, Co. F, and Co. I !
Beautifully Preserved Company Hat Letter for Co. H, Recovered in Virginia. |
Here is a Beautiful Dug Company Hat Letter “H” ! It has no cracks, breaks or damage of any kind, and wears a smooth mostly brown patina, that looks great. The reverse shows solder remnants on both sides where the attachment hooks rusted away. The hat letter H is hard to find this nice as the small center portion of the letter is often cracked or broken. Recovered Virginia. If this doesn’t make you think of Sam Watkins, you need to read more ! A Great Civil War Hat Letter for Company H !