Excellent Little Civil War Period Stoneware Ink Bottle |
Here is an Excellent Little Civil War Period Stoneware Ink Bottle ! It measures about 1.75” in diameter by 1.75” tall. It is a medium dark brown in color, and shows no damage. These little stoneware inks and the aqua umbrella inks were probably the most common ink bottles of the Civil War Period, with examples of both recovered in many campsites. In his book, The Collector’s Guide to Civil War Period Bottles and Jars, author Mike Russell says about these stoneware inks that they are, “Found extensively throughout Civil War campsites.” A Fine Displaying Civil War Period Stoneware Ink Bottle !
$30 plus shipping
Very Fine Pontilled Civil War Period Spalding's Glue Bottle |
| Here is a Beautiful Non-Dug Civil War Period, “Spalding’s Glue” Bottle ! It is a pretty aqua color showing lots of waviness and seed bubbles, but no ground or interior staining at all. It has an inward rolled lip, and open pontil on the base. It is embossed vertically on opposite sides, “Spalding’s” and on the other, “Glue.” It measures about 3.25 inches tall by 1.375 inches diameter. A Superb Displaying Example of a Civil War Period Spaldings Glue Bottle !
$45 plus shipping
Nice Clear Glass Pontilled D & Co. Mustard Bottle with Rolled Lip |
Here is a Nice Civil War Period or Before Pontilled Mustard Bottle ! It is a dug clear glass bottle with an outward rolled lip, and large rough pontil mark on the base. It has some frosting and ground action but no chipping, cracks, or breaks except one tiny surface flake on the inside of the lip, visible in the first picture. There is a green discoloration under the rolled lip that almost looks like moss or algae but for all I know it may be remnants of the old contents. Embossed on the front, but hard to see in my pictures, is, “D & Co.”. It is quite legible in hand. It measures 4.75 inches tall by almost 2.5 inches diameter. A Nice Displaying Civil War Mustard Bottle !
$55 plus shipping
Nice Pair of Pre-Civil War to Civil War Period Pontilled "Puff" or General Purpose Bottles |
Here is a Nice Pair of Pre-Civil War or Civil War Period Pontilled “Puff” or General Purpose Bottles ! The larger one is about 4.5 inches tall by 2.0 inches diameter, while the smaller one is about 3.25 inches tall by 1.25 inches diameter. Both bottles have good clear glass with a few seed bubbles, and both show a tubular type open pontil at the base. The larger bottle has a cool manufacturing flaw that almost looks like the glass was pinched together while still hot, or else a pin stuck in it, and run back out a short distance later. Whatever it is, it was definitely done at the time of manufacture. Both bottles have the thin flared lips, with the larger one being perfect, but the smaller having two very small chips in it. Just a Nice Displaying Pair of Civil War Period Bottles that are At Least 150 Years Old !
$35 plus shipping
Nice Civil War or Pre-Civil War Period 3-Piece Mold Black Glass Ale Bottle |
Here is an Excellent Civil War or Pre-Civil War “Black Glass” Ale Bottle ! It is a three-piece mold pattern and you can see the mold seams. There are no cracks, chips or damage. The applied tapered lip is in good shape showing some manufacturing flaws and uneven application, and the bottom of the bottle has a typical period open pontil mark. The bottle measures about 9 inches tall by 2.625 inches diameter. When looking through the glass at a light source, the black color is actually an amber/olive green color. A Great Looking Civil War Period “Black Glass” Ale Bottle !
$35 plus shipping
Beautiful Little ca. 1880's Baby or Salesman Sample Olive Green Champagne Bottle |
| Here is a Quite Uncommon Little Salesman’s sample or “Baby” Olive Green Champagne Bottle ! Though showing signs of ca. 1880’s manufacturing, it very much resembles the larger Civil War period examples. The little dug bottle measures just 4 inches tall, by about 1.25 inches diameter at the base. The lip was apparently manufactured as part of the bottle, and not applied, but the little Champagne does show the high base kick-up, seen on Civil War examples. There are no cracks or chips anywhere. This little Champagne will really display nicely with your bottles, and especially stand out next to a full size Champagne, though the full size champagne pictured is not included. A Tiny but Superb Little Olive Green Champagne Bottle !
Nice Civil War Period "Barry's Tricopherous" Pontilled Bottle |
Here’s a Fine Dug Condition Civil War Period, “Barry’s Tricopherous For The Skin & Hair” Bottle! It shows the haze and scale typical of ground dug bottles, but has no chips, cracks, or damage of any kind. The front flat of the bottle is embossed, “Tricopherous For The Skin & Hair,” while one of the side panels says, “Barry’s”, and the other is embossed, “New York.” The bottle has a tapered, applied lip, and an open pontil on the base. It measures about 6.25 inches tall by 2.125 inches wide, and 1.125 inches thick. A Great Displaying Dug Pontilled Civil War Bottle !
Nice Dug Civil War Period Pontilled Peppersauce Bottle |
| Here is a Fine Pontilled Civil War Period Peppersauce Bottle ! The bottle is dug, and shows the cloudiness and scale sometimes seen on dug examples, but has no cracks, chips or damage of any kind. It measures about 8.125 inches tall by 2.5 inches diameter at the base. The bottom shows a rough, open pontil mark and the top has an applied collar lip. With the sometimes poor condition of meat issued to soldiers, and the uncured fresh beef or pork foraged in the field, Peppersauce was used in some quantity by soldiers and officers alike. A Fine Dug Example of the Aqua Civil War Period Peppersauce Bottle !
Beautiful & Rare Mid 1800s Pineapple Bitters Bottle |
| Here is a Super Nice, Amber PINEAPPLE BITTERS Bottle ! If you are into antique bottles, you know how EXTREMELY RARE these Bottles Are ! Amber is the most common color, but even those are hard to find. This one measures about 9.25 inches tall by about 3 inches diameter across the base, though of course a bit wider around the center of the pineapple. It has a double collar crudely applied lip, several horizontal bubbles evident in the neck, and absolutely no blemishes at all. The base shows some roughness, and what appears to be a diagonal or hinge mold seam. I really think it was blown in a mold, but I am not positive, and the center depression could be a disc pontil that was smoothed down some. It also has the diamond shaped smooth area at center of one side of the pineapple, likely where a label would have been applied. Dating from the late 1840’s to the 1870’s these pineapple bitters bottles are highly sought out by bottle collectors, and I don’t think you can find another for sale at the moment. A Fine Civil War Era Pineapple Bitters Bottle that Displays Great !
Fine Dug Example of a Civil War Period Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup, Bottle |
Here is a Fine Dug Example of a Civil War Period “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” Bottle sometimes recovered in Campsites ! It has no chips, cracks, or damage of any sort, but does show the frosting and staining often seen on bottles that have been in the ground for 150 years. It is a light aqua/green color, with an inward rolled lip, and open pontil on the base. Embossed vertically around the sides in four lines, it says, “Mrs. Winslow’s”, -“Soothing Syrup”, -“Proprietors”, -“Curtis & Perkins.” The little bottle measures right at 5 inches tall by 1.125 inches diameter. Often seen, but uncommon with a pontil mark. Marketed well before the war, as a cure for children’s teething pain, the “Soothing Syrup” consisted mainly of alcohol and morphine. Evidently, it was sometimes used for other purposes during the war. Captain Samuel A. Craig, of the Veterans Reserve Corps, guarding prisoners at Camp Morton, Indiana, when asking for a leave of absence, [ he had been sick for a week ] was told by Major-General Hovey that his leave was denied and he should take a dose of “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.” A Fine Dug Civil War or Pre-Civil War Pontilled Medicine !
Perfectly undamaged Dug & Pontilled Aqua Umbrella Inkwell |
| Here is a Fine Dug Pontilled Civil War Period Umbrella Ink Bottle ! It shows the typical haze and cloudiness from being in the ground, and one tiny, about ¼ inch crack near the edge of the base that is difficult to see, but mentioned for exactness. It is a nice aqua color with an inward rolled lip, and measures about 2.5 inches by 2.5 inches. Recovery location unknown. A Fine Displaying Dug Umbrella Ink Bottle !
Fine Civil War Period Two Tone Stoneware Ginger Beer Bottle |
Here is an Excellent Civil War Period Two-tone Stoneware Ginger Beer Bottle ! It measures about 8.25 inches tall by 2.875 inches diameter. There is some minor staining but nothing major, and only one small chip near the base that may be a manufacturing flaw. It has the less often seen rounded “do-nut” lip and a beautiful overall glaze. Just a Real Nice Example of the Civil War Ginger Beer Bottle that Displays Great !