Super Slick Confederate, Wood Fuse Plug 12-Pounder Artillery Shell |
Here is a Super Slick Confederate, Wood Fuse Plug 12-Pounder Artillery Shell ! All the iron is really nice and the fuse hole is clear. Someone got over zealous and drilled a disarm hole, which really isn’t necessary on shells fused this way, but it is not too distracting. There is an obvious mold seam nearly all the way around the ball, which really indicates Confederate manufacture. Unfortunately recovery location is unknown. It would be hard to find nicer iron on a shell like this. A Super Nice Wood Fused Shell for 12-Pounder Gun ! [ K.I.]
$250 plus shipping
Nicely Preserved Nose from a 3 Inch Federal Hotchkiss Shell |
Here is a Nicely Preserved Nose from a 3 Inch Federal Hotchkiss Shell ! It shows some moderate pitting, and the white metal fuze adapter can still be seen down in the cavity, but it has been cleaned and coated and displays very well. There is a faded old typewritten note with the shell that says it was, “Found after the Battle of Gettysburg.” The shell is part of a collection I am helping to sell from New Jersey, and most of the items were purchased in the 1980s and 1990s, from the Horse Soldier in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Many of the items have old receipts, but all that was with this one was the old note. Still, I suspect it really was recovered at Gettysburg, but it is priced nice. A Fine Displaying Hotchkiss Shell ! [K.I.]
$220 plus shipping
Nice Dug Cannister Ball for 24 Pndr. Gun, Likely Recovered at Gettysburg |
NEW ! Here is a Nice Dug Cannister Ball for 24 Pndr. Gun, Likely Recovered at Gettysburg ! It is in good dug condition with no flaking. It does not appear to have been coated, but looks good just as is. It measures about 1.87 inches in diameter, and comes with an old handwritten tag that says it was purchased at the Horse Soldier Relic Shop in 1990. A Fine Displaying Large Cannister Ball for 24 Pound Gun ! [ K.I. ]
$50 plus shipping
Confederate Sideloader Shell for 12-Pounder Gun - Nice Iron-Missing Plug but has a Viewing Window to Interior |
| Here is a Very Nice Confederate 12-Pound Sideloader Case-Shot Artillery Shell ! It has great iron that shows only very moderate pitting, and has been cleaned and preserved. There is an obvious mold-seam that can be seen around at least two-thirds of the shell, and the copper Confederate fuse is still intact with a nice dark patina. Apparently, upon being fired the shell threw the lead side loader plug as it is missing. However, someone installed a little Plexiglas window that allows you to see the matrix inside the shell. I was not able to photograph it very well, but it is easily seen with the shell in hand. Recovery location unknown. A Fine Displaying Confederate 12-Pound Sideloader with Nice Iron and a View Inside ! [ L.L. ]
$350 NOW JUST $300 plus shipping
Very Nice Non-Dug Artillery Vent Pick |
Here is a Very Nice Non-Dug Artillery Vent Pick ! It measures a total of 17 inches in length, with the finger ring being about 2.25 inches in diameter. The vent pick was used to puncture the powder bag, helping to insure a proper discharge of the artillery piece. This one is unmarked, but in very good condition. A Fine Non-Dug Artillery Vent Pick !
$65 plus shipping
Nice Federal 20-Pound Parrott Case-Shot Projectile |
| Here is a Nice Federal 20-Pound Parrott Case-Shot Projectile ! Considerably shorter than a common shell at 9.25 inches tall, it has exceptionally nice iron that has been cleaned and coated long ago. There are remnants of the white metal fuse or adapter still inside the nose, but the copper or brass sabot is missing, likely thrown when the shell was fired. There is a small hole on one side, where the shell was disarmed so that it is safe for display. You don’t see these shorter pattern 20-pound Parrott Case Shot projectiles nearly as often as the taller Parrott Common Shell, and this is a nice one. A Fine U.S. 20-Pound Parrott Case-Shot that Displays Great ! [D.K.]
$350 plus shipping
Nice Original Packet of 10-Second Allegheny Arsenal Artillery Fuses |
| Here is a Fine Original Civil War Period Packet of 10 Second Artillery Fuses from the U.S. Allegheny Arsenal ! It contains five 10-second paper fuses and still has the original twine wrap tied around it. The large stenciled “ 10 . S “ is still nicely visible and most of the paper is in good condition with the exception of one corner with a small piece missing, that shows one of the actual fuses inside. It is kind of neat that you can view the inner contents in this one small area. A Nice & Educational Displaying Packet of Civil War Period Allegheny Arsenal 10 Second Paper Fuses ! [ L.L. ]
$70 plus shipping
Non-Dug Artilleryman's Fuse Gimlet |
Here is a Nice Non-dug Artilleryman’s Fuze Gimlet ! It measures about 3.375 inches long with a T-top handle that is 1.75 inches wide. It is the size often excavated here in the Trans-Mississippi Department, appropriate for a 6-Pnd. Gun, 12-Pnd. Napoleon, or 10-Pnd Parrott Rifle, the most common field pieces used here. There is quite a bit of rust around the small threads at the very tip, but the rest of the gimlet is well preserved. A Fine Condition Artillery Fuze Gimlet that Displays Great !
$45 plus shipping
Nice Large Size Dug Navy Civil War Grapeshot |
| Here is Another Nice Large Size Dug Civil War Grapeshot ! It has been cleaned but never coated, yet all the iron is in very good condition, showing only modest pitting to be expected on a dug projectile. It weighs about 4 pounds with a diameter of 3.06 to 3.12 it is most likely from a stand of grape for a 42-Pdr. Gun or cannon. There would have been 9 of these in a stand of grape, and you can just imagine the destruction such a round would have caused. Another Fine Civil War Period Grapeshot that Displays Great ! [D.K.]
10-Pound Read/Parrott Shell with Nice Iron |
| Here is a Nice Federal 10-Pound Read/Parrott Artillery Shell ! It has really nice mostly smooth iron, that has been cleaned and coated long ago. The nose shows remnants of the white metal fuse adapter still inside, and original digger wrote “Read Parrott” on it, in white. About two thirds of the pre-rifled iron sabot is missing. A Nice U.S. 10-Pound Read/Parrott Shell with Really Good Iron and Ready to Display ! [D.K.]
Nice Cleaned and coated Artillery Shell Nose Fragment, Recovered in the Shiloh/Corinth area |
Here is a Nice Cleaned and coated Artillery Shell Nose Fragment, Recovered in the Shiloh/Corinth area ! You can still see the fuse or fuse adapter threads on the inside of the nose, and the outside shows fairly smooth iron with minimal pitting. I’m just about sure this fragment is from a 10-Pound Parrott Shell. A Fine Displaying Larger Fragment of an Artillery Shell recovered in a historic area !
Fine Dug Copper Confederate Fuze Adapter - Recovered Mine Run, Virginia. |
| Here is an Excellent Confederate Fuze Plug Adapter for Artillery Shell ! It measures about 1.5 inches tall by 1.25 inches diameter at the top. The spanner holes are both clear, as is the ignition hole at the bottom, and the threads are in good enough condition to put this back in a shell if desired. This is the type of adapter intended to take a paper time fuze, and the entire copper fuze adapter has a nice mostly green and plumb patina. Recovered Mine Run, Virginia. A Fine Confederate Fuze Plug Adapter !
Nice Pair of Different Caliber Excavated Artillery Friction Primers |
Here is a Nice Pair of Unfired Civil War Friction Primers ! Both are in good condition with mostly nice patina, and both still have their firing or primer wires intact. The top or smaller one appears identical to those we sometimes recovery in Civil War Battle and Skirmish sites, usually for use on the more common field pieces such as 6-Pounder Gun, 12-Pounder Gun or Howitzer, and several others. It measures about 1.5 inches long. The longer example is likely for a larger caliber than standard field pieces, measuring about 2.5 inches long Two Nice Civil War Era Friction Primers for Artillery Pieces ! [ L.L. ] [Longer One is SOLD, but will take $20 for the short one]
Nice Civil War Period Artillery Grease Bucket |
| Here is Another Excellent Civil War Period Iron Artillery Grease Bucket ! Very similar to the one I already have listed, this one measures about 8 inches tall, by 7 inches diameter. It has an old coat of black paint, likely an attempt to retard rusting, which worked fairly well. The lid still opens and closes as it should, though the tip with the closure tab has been bent upwards, and it will not lock closed anymore. The chain is present in good shape and swings to both sides. A Nice Civil War Period Artillery Grease Bucket, that Displays Wonderfully ! [ L. L. ]