1-4-10 Wow ! Matt Longwith decided to get out with his detector on
New Year's Day, and really got the year off to a good start ! I am
familiar with the dual-use campsite he decided to hunt, and it has
been quite hard hit over the years, turning out a lot of nice relics.
Lately though, it is tough to find many targets there, excepting trash !
So, Young Matt decided trash was his "friend" and waded into the
big middle of it ! He was rewarded with a couple small caliber round
balls, what looks like a S & W .32 Bullet, tiny piece of toe tap, and
BEST OF ALL, a nice Confederate Spur ! Spur is still complete,
and very much resembles CS9 in Howard Crouch's Book, Historic
American Spurs. Of course, he did dig a lot of trash too, but I'd
have to say it was Definitely worth it ! Way to go Matt !!
Matt Longwith's Confederate Spur |
Matt Longwith's Confederate Spur |
1-4-10 Mark Lehman's glad to be back home in Springfield, Missouri,
having been out of state for about 5 years ! He just got back last year,
and is finding some of the old haunts hard hit. That didn't keep him
from continuing to swing that coil though, and it paid off nicely near
his old home town. He dug a super nice, thin silver 7th Corps
Badge. It's about the size of a quarter, and you can see the solder
spots on reverse where the pin would have been. Excellent and
quite rare recovery here in the Trans-Mississippi !
Congrats Mark !!
Mark Lehman's Silver 7th Corps Badge |
Mark Lehman's Silver 7th Corps Badge |
Rick Steed, from south Arkansas wrote recently to tell about his boys
Ball Tournaments. Well, kinda. He said that while they had some time
between games, he managed to work in a little bullet diggin ! Sure had
some luck too, as he recovered about 20 good targets. Looks like a nice
variety of pistol and carbine bullets mostly, and that one on the bottom
row, third from the left sure looks like a Sharps & Hankins. Good going
Rick, and I hope the boys team won ! Sure a good pile of lead for a couple
scant hours of digging ! SB
Nice batch of bullets, recovered recently by Rick Steed, in south Arkansas. |
Mark Daughtery has been doing good up near Springfield, Missouri,
and not too long ago, sent this picture of an unusual bullet he dug !
Mark said he found it in a Union Camp, but all of these I've seen
down here, came out of Confederate Campsites. It's an approximately
.62 Caliber, 2-Ringer that looks suspiciously like a Hessian Pattern.
This one was apparently cast in the field, as it has a large uncut sprue
still attached too. Very thick cavity walls also. Neat bullet, and I don't
care where it came from, I'll take a dozen !!
Congrats Mark ! SB
Approximately .62 Caliber "Hessian" Type bullet, recovered near Springfield, Missouri, by Mark Daughtrey. |
Base View - Hessian Type Bullet |
11-4-09 Well, a couple of local diggers just couldn't wait to get back out,
and were hitting the tall grass in September ! They started at a Campsite
used by both sides, and divided by a creek, and the historic road. Finds
were few and far between, but included a coin button, a few bullets, iron
cannister ball, and nicely carved .36 Teardrop pistol bullet . Good Dogs
got to go along, and found all kind of stinky treasure !! . . lol . . Couple of
weeks later, at an old Missouri State Guard Campsite, a few more bullets,
what looks like the top of some kind of badge, and the broken end of a
Sword Belt Plate surfaced. Funny thing, the piece of a sword belt plate,
came right out of the hole, where a sword belt plate was recovered this
spring ! Think it would fit right on that plate too, if re-attached by a
professional . [ PS. If you dug that plate, this piece is available. ]
November 2nd, found the diggers out again, this time at a hard hunted
Company size Yankee Camp. Good signals were scarce, and after a
while one of them started diggin iron, with fair results. Two iron musket
barrel bands were recovered, one with the sling loop ! Other finds included
a nice cuff size flower button, and a few dropped bullets. Grass is still
TOO tall, but the soil is nicely moist ! Another couple weeks, and
pounding a few new doors, may provide more interesting recoveries !
Meager Relics Recovered Sugar Creek, Arkansas, Sept. , 2009 |
Wendell Evans' carved .36 "Teardrop" Pistol Bullet . |
Always a happy sight ! |
Ten thousand bullets later, when that lowly 3-ringer peeks out of the soil, it is absolutely still a thrill ! |
Relics recovered from a Missouri State Guard Camp, mid October. Broken end of a sword belt plate, top of a badge, and several Sharps Carbine Bullets . |
Broken end of a sword belt plate. |
Any Hawks depending on this field for a living, are gonna starve, cause there are not any field mice or rabbits left ! |
Relics recovered in small Yankee Camp, November 2nd, 2009, including 2 barrel bands, and one nice cuff size flower button . |