Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Early 1864, Letter & Cover, written in Little Rock, Arkansas, by Private Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry |
Nicholas Belveal, Co. F, 33rd Iowa Infantry, 1839-1926
Little Rock, Ark Feb 1st/64
Dear Companion and friends with the greatest pleasure I this evening seat myself for the purpose of answering your kind notes of the 9th & 17th and also others of the 16th and was truly very glad to hear from you and to hear that you was all well, but was very sorry of the death of little Wm. [ William ] but we must all go sooner or later. Well father I guess you have had very cold weather there this winter the citizens here say it was the coldest here this winter that it has been for years, but I think it has been quite moderate, it is warm enough here now for a man to go in his shirt sleeves.
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Well Mary you said you wanted me to get my likeness taken. I bought a lottery ticket I paid 25 Cents for it and it called for a fine gold locket and, sent for it and when it comes I will get my picture taken and send it to you. Well Mary you say that Lizzy has named her baby for me. So you must get it address in my place as I am not there. I have been looking for a letter from Jo for a long time but don’t see any but you said he hadn’t time, for nursing the boy. So that accounts for it all. Well Thomas SB is not here he has gone to guard a train that went [ to] Fort Smith but I think when he comes he will be on hand. Well Mary you said you was -
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-going to send me 2 pare of socks but I have quit wearing socks in the summer. It is so hot down here they scald my feet but they come in good play sometime. I haven’t bought any socks since I left home. Well Father I wanted to write you a letter but I write so much that entirely runs out of anything to write, so I will just write this to You and Mary, both. Well Mary this is what is called Oriental Paper. I bought it 25 Cents Choir, [ Quire ] 25 Cents a pack for the envelopes and Sold it out for $1.20 per Choir. Oh Mary a man in the army must take care of No. 1. We are to be paid off tomorrow and I wish you had the money as I can make as much as I need by trading. Well Mary, you said you wished the war would -
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-soon come to an end so I could come home. That would suit me pretty well for language can’t express how, how bad I want to see you and I hope the time is not far off when I can have that pleasure. Well Mary, I send a letter out nearly every mail. I believe I have written about all for this time so I will close. Fare you well for this time. Ever your True Companion Until Death. N. Belveal To MS Belveal
Write Soon
This is the 2nd and I am well and hearty and I sincerely hope these few lines may find you all in the enjoyment of good health. Fare well.